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Resultados da Pesquisa

  1. L

    Muserver ex901 teste

    new links please
  2. L

    Evolution-Team Season 2.6 JPN

    Working Features: * 1st Quest - 100% * 2nd Quest - 100% Changelog: #Version 0.0.1 * Added Protocol JPN * Added Protocol Attack,Hit,Miss * Added Protocol Connect,Disconnect * Added Protocol Moves #Version 0.0.2 * Added Move Gates Fix * Added Error-L10 Fix * Added M:\ Drive Fix * Added Webzen...
  3. L

    MuServer Evolution Season 4 Ep 8

    update 6 is out
  4. L

    MuServer Evolution Season 4 Ep 8

    just remove FixMR.dll from main.exe and play
  5. L

    MuServer Evolution Season 4 Ep 8

    hook again dll with api FixMR()
  6. L

    MuServer Evolution Season 4 Ep 8

    Next Update Fixes: - GameServer -> PcPoints Fix - GameServer -> SQL Queryes Fix - GameServer -> /reload command Fix - GameServer -> PcPoint Monster Points Fix - GameServer -> WzAg.dll > Eng Folder Read - GameServer -> Warp GameServerCS Fix - GameServer -> Added Packets Crash Fix - GameServer ->...
  7. L

    [Exclusivo XpZone] MuServer 1.05D Season 4 - PVP 100% -> Free By PKD TeaM

    source codes of project with last update please
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