For those who like this project, Codex V3, new feature added:
Detect-hide windows
Generic Hide-tollz / Cheat engine, etc are detected on v3.
Codex V1 had an anti-hide, but it never works fine, on Codex V2, this anti hide was just deleted from code, becouse it dont works as well i can.
Detect-inject by extra thread
Works with anti-kill feature, if some extra thread (DLL) are injected on mxmain, anti-hack will detect it.
Detectors time configurarion are now at the START.cpp.
Very easy to configure:
carrega.Detecta_Dump = 0; // On/Off Detect application entrypoint and first 16 HexDump
carrega.DDump_occours = 31000; //Occours every X miliseconds
carrega.Detecta_Window = 0; // On/Off Detect window name
carrega.DWindow_occours = 20000;
carrega.Detecta_Heuristica = 0; // On/Off Detect bad Words, are case sensitive and scan WebBrowsers
carrega.DHeuristica_occours = 2510; //Occours every X miliseconds
carrega.Detecta_Heuristica_NC = 0; // On/Off Detect bad Words, are NON case sensitive and DONT scan webbrowsers
carrega.DHeuristica_NC_occours = 2750; //Occours every X miliseconds