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Deletando ALL Mobs, Raid Boss, Caixas e etc.


Legendário XPZ

delete from spawnlist where  exists ( select npc.id from npc where spawnlist.npc_templateid =npc.id and npc.type like "L2Monster");

Raid Boss:

delete from spawnlist where  exists ( select npc.id from npc where spawnlist.npc_templateid =npc.id and npc.type like "L2Boss");

Especial Boss(Valakas, Baium, Antharas, Zaken, Halisha etc.):

delete from spawnlist where  exists ( select npc.id from npc where spawnlist.npc_templateid =npc.id and npc.type like "L2RaidBoss");


delete from spawnlist where  exists ( select npc.id from npc where spawnlist.npc_templateid =npc.id and npc.type like "L2Chest");


delete from spawnlist where  exists ( select npc.id from npc where spawnlist.npc_templateid =npc.id and npc.type like "L2Guard");

Prists (Dentro das igrejas para troca de classe, adicão clan, ally.):

delete from spawnlist where  exists ( select npc.id from npc where spawnlist.npc_templateid =npc.id and npc.type like "L2VillageMaster");
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