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LC Server Files Season 4.6 (Beta)


Honrado XPZ


Mu Online Version: Season 4 Episode 6
Client Compatible: 1.03k JPN
Serial: 1qve7Lcvdhk3Rys5
Versão: 1.03.11

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Por favor, Entrar ou Registrar para ver o conteúdo das URLs!

link atulizado dia 30/11/2015 por zezima

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Por favor, Entrar ou Registrar para ver o conteúdo das URLs!

Por favor, Entrar ou Registrar para ver o conteúdo das URLs!

Ps. Não façam mirrors!





Comandos (Veja o arquivo LC.Commands para mais informações):


  1. move
  2. recvwhisper
  3. chat
  4. war
  5. chat
  6. add
  7. reset
  8. post
  9. zen
  10. evo
  11. pkclear
  12. vipinfo
  13. online
  14. clearinven
  15. ware
  16. firecracker
  17. openware
  18. offtrade
  19. autoreset
  20. autoadd
  21. dc
  22. item
  23. mute
  24. ban
  25. moveto
  26. imortal
  27. invisible
  28. kill
  29. summon
  30. banchat
  31. unbanchat

Eventos (São 16 eventos mais alguns customs):


  1. Devil Square
  2. Blood Castle
  3. Illusion Temple
  4. Castle Siege
  5. Eldorado Invasion
  6. Castle Deep
  7. Quest System
  8. Chaos Castle
  9. Guild War
  10. Battle Soccer
  11. Duel System (Novo)
  12. Crywolf
  13. Kanturu
  14. Ring Attack Event
  15. XMas Attack Event
  16. Raklion
  17. Golden Archer
  18. Moss Merchant (Moss Gambler)
  19. Delgado NPC event (Troque Luck Penny por items)

Customs (Veja alguns customs, estarei liberando mais assim que possível):


  1. HP Bar
  2. Camera 3D
  3. Fog Effect
  4. Sky Effect
  5. Day / Night Effect
  6. Custom Glow
  7. New NPC Set's
  8. Siege Skill for vips
  9. Multi Cliente
  10. MiniMapas
  11. Smoke Effect
  12. Novo Chat
  13. Novas mensagems coloridas no jogo
  14. Suporte a novos items (Estarei liberando mais assim que possível)
  15. Suporte a novas Wings (1 nova asa por classe)
  16. Suporte a novos mapas (Arkania, Loren Market e Kalimdor)
  17. Suporte a nova interface para o botao da câmera 3D
  18. Suporte a jóias customs (Jewel of Skill, Excellent, Divinity, Luck e Assembly)
  19. Suporte a resolução Wide Screen
  20. Sistema de comandos
  21. Sistema de comandos suporta permissões para GM e ADM
  22. Sistema de comandos suporta level requerido, zen, PcPoint ou Cash (wCoin) para utlizar
  23. Sistema de comandos suporta os tipos de VIP para uso dos comandos
  24. Sistema VIP (Número de tipos ilimitado)
  25. Bonus VIP com EXP, Zen Drop
  26. Sistema VIP com cor do comando post personalizado
  27. Suporte a Servidor VIP
  28. Sistema de Reset Personalizado
  29. Suporte ao Shop Excelente no GameServer e GameServerCS
  30. Total suporte ao Offline Trade (Será adicionado mais funcões ao comando em breve)
  31. Suporte a mapas personalizados
  32. Sistema de AutoAdd e AutoReset
  33. Class Calc Character (CalchCharacter)
  34. NPC Exchanger (Troque os Rare Item Ticket por items)
  35. Bonus de PcPoint ou Cash (wCoin) por mapa, evento ou tempo online
  36. Sistema de warehouse (Múltiplos Baús configurados por tipo de VIP)
  37. Pasta data reorganizada
  38. Tempo em que o item ficará no chão mesmo que o player esteja próximo ao item
  39. Suporte a novos Shops
  40. Suporte exclusivo de Auto-Registro ao logar (E também suporta bônus VIP ao registrar-se)
  41. CashShop Personalizado com suporte a 13 categorias
  42. CasShop com suporte a configuração items ancient e socket
  43. DataServer otimizado para conexão direta com o SQL server (Sem ODBC)
  44. DataServer, GameServer e GameServerCS reorganizados com a nova interface
  45. Script para gerar o banco de dados MuOnline automaticamente
  46. Sistema de logs aprimorados para gerenciamento do Admin
  47. Sistema de tradução de mensagens personalizado (Agora será mais fácil alterar uma frase do GS)

Fixes (Para mais fixes, consulte o changelog):


  1. Fix da tecla CTRL
  2. Fix para a pasta ScreenShots
  3. Fix do arquivo MuError.log
  4. Fix da acentuação no main
  5. Visual Bug and Stats fix
  6. Agility Bug fix
  7. Siege skills fixadas
  8. Fix do consumo de CPU do main
  9. Fix da câmera 3D do main
  10. Fix ao salvar a lista de Skills do jogador
  11. Fix da terceira classe ao completar a última quest
  12. Fix do Terrain de Arena
  13. Fix de todas as Seals e o tempo limite de cada uma
  14. Fix do bug de experiencia
  15. Visual Fix do Panda Ring e Panda Pet
  16. Fix da durabilidade dos potions para 255

Items (São 512 por categoria, em breve serão adicionados mais customs):


  1. Adicionado suporte a Mace of the King
  2. Adicionado suporte a novos Bows e Crossbows com skill
  3. Adicionado suporte a novas wings
  4. Adicionado suporte a Lucky Penny
  5. Adicionado suporte ao Guardian Talisman e Ressurection Talisman

Changelog (DataServer):


2013-09-30 - Project started;
2013-09-30 - Upgraded to VS2012;
2013-09-30 - Removed DataServer 2;
2013-09-30 - Fixed SDHP_SERVERINFO protocol;
2013-09-30 - Fixed SDHP_GETCHARLIST protocol;
2013-09-30 - Fixed SDHP_DBCHARINFOREQUEST protocol;
2013-09-30 - Added on CQuery::Close() to clear query buffer also;
2013-09-30 - Fixed SDHP_DBCHAR_INFOSAVE protocol;
2013-09-30 - Fixed SDHP_SERVERINFO protocol;
2013-09-30 - Fixed SDHP_IDPASS protocol;
2013-09-30 - Fixed Mana & HP persistence problem;
2013-10-01 - Fixed invalid X and Y position loading;
2013-10-02 - Fixed GS stuck on JoinServer;
2013-10-02 - Fixed CriticalSection lock when restarting GameServer;
2013-10-02 - Fixed Summoner enable creation issue;
2013-10-02 - Fixed DL and MG enable creation issue;
2013-10-02 - Fixed Summoner creation issue;
2013-10-03 - Added IngameCashShop Server;
2013-10-03 - Added Get IGSPoints protocol;
2013-10-04 - Added Get IGS Item list protocol;
2013-10-05 - Added IGS Item buy protocol;
2013-10-10 - Fixed players stuck on JoinServer when GameServer suddenly closes;
2013-10-11 - Added Guild Manager system, to increase security and performance;
2013-10-11 - Added Guild reload opition on Menu Bar;
2013-10-12 - Fixed guild creation issue;
2013-10-12 - Fixed guild delete issue;
2013-10-13 - Added guild hostility protocol;
2013-10-13 - Added guild union protocol;
2013-10-13 - Added guild list protocol;
2013-10-16 - Changed UI Interface to a better understanding of messages;
2013-10-16 - Changed LogProc colors and behavior;
2013-10-16 - Changed all logs calls and classified them in: ERROR, WARNING, NOTIFY, INFO and DEBUG;
2013-10-18 - Fixed freeze after some time of activity;
2013-10-20 - Added Master Level protocol;
2013-10-28 - Added all Castle Siege event protocols;
2013-10-28 - Fully coded Castle Siege Manager;
2013-10-28 - Fixed guild creation issue;
2013-10-28 - Fixed error when running LC.DataServer.exe on WinXP 32 bits machine;
2013-10-29 - Added auto class code conversion (from 18 to 19 I.E), which makes MuMaker compatible;
2013-10-30 - Added Crywolf event protocols;
2013-10-31 - Added Period Items protocols;
2013-10-31 - Added InGameShop item duration reading;

2014-12-29 - Project revitalized;
2014-12-29 - Fixed some missing header files;
2014-12-29 - Fixed Join Server logon twice bug;
2013-12-31 - Fixed Period Items protocols;
2013-12-31 - Fixed InGameShop item duration reading;
2014-12-31 - Rewrote Event Chip protocols;
2015-01-01 - Added the path configuration of LC.InGameShop.txt on DataServer.ini
2015-01-02 - Added Reset System protocol;
2015-01-16 - Added new Database Engine;
2015-01-16 - Removed ODBC connection dependency;
2015-01-16 - Added new db configurations on LC.DataServer.ini;
2015-01-16 - Improved startup time of LC.DataServer.exe;
2015-01-16 - Improved query performance;

Changes by SmileY

2015-06-04 - Fixed Getting Quest item on ground;
2015-06-04 - Fixed quest completion for characters;
2015-06-05 - Fixed QWER buttons, and skills list for characters;
2015-06-12 - Added PCBang Point Protocol (BETA);
2015-06-13 - Fixed SP_REQ_PCBANG_POINT_UPDATE2 query;
2015-06-15 - Fixed LC_GetItemPeriodInfo query;
2015-06-15 - Added GCPUpdateUserCharacters to JoinServer;
2015-06-17 - Fixed Summoner creation without Summoner card;
2015-07-29 - Added VipSystem support;
2015-07-30 - Fixed Master Level Info Save and Load from database;
2015-09-08 - Removed VipSystem support duo PremiumData support;
2015-09-08 - Added Support for dbo.PremiumData;
2015-09-08 - Changed bloc_code get type from db;
2015-09-21 - Added auto-register system for new members when login;
2015-09-27 - Added auto-premium bonus system for new members when login;
2015-09-02 - Fixed account blocked and account already connected error;
2015-10-02 - Added missed packets for Lucky Coin event;
2015-10-04 - Added missed packets for Santa Village event;
2015-10-04 - Added a Socket Bonus option column in CashShop;
2015-10-04 - Changed ItemSerialCreateRecv Packets to accept socket options;
2015-10-07 - Fixed DataServer Crash when close;
2015-10-17 - Fixed T_LuckyCoinRegCount statements;
2015-10-17 - Removed procedures for Santa Claus Event;
2015-10-17 - Fixed statements for dbo.PAY_ITEM_COUNT Santa Claus Event;
2015-10-30 - Fixed a crash when user disconnect without joinserver logout send;
2015-10-30 - Fixed a crash when query buffer exceed 4096;
2015-10-30 - Changed project settings and filters;
2015-11-01 - Added custom protocol;
2015-11-01 - Added custom HelperSystem save;
2015-11-01 - Fixed a crash when Log query option is active;
2015-11-03 - Fixed a crash when remove user from MessengerManager;
2015-11-04 - Added Missing packet for Guild Alliance notice;
2015-11-04 - Fixed Guild notice fail when send;
2015-11-04 - Catch ErrorCode from dbo.WZ_CreateGuild procedure;
2015-11-23 - Fixed a QuestState send NULL value to GameServer;
2015-11-26 - Fixed Multi WareHouse System to get correct vault id when player connect;

Changelog (GameServer & GameServerCS):


2013-09-30 - Project started;
2013-09-30 - Upgraded to VS2012;
2013-09-30 - Removed DataServer 2;
2013-09-30 - Added HPBar module support;
2013-09-30 - Fixed invalid ENG Protocol definition;
2013-09-30 - Temporary disabled Main checksum;
2013-09-30 - Fixed SDHP_DBCHAR_INFOSAVE protocol;
2013-09-30 - Fixed Mana & HP persistence problem;
2013-09-30 - Fixed message "Obtained Exp" when maximum level;
2013-09-30 - Added custom Msg.cpp to load messages;
2013-09-30 - Added file Data\Messages\en-US.ini;
2013-09-30 - Removed dependency of mumsg.dll;
2013-10-01 - Fixed damage isnt shown on mob hit kill;
2013-10-01 - Fixed Shop loading error;
2013-10-01 - Increase monster level limit to 200;
2013-10-01 - Fixed Monster spawn on invalid location;
2013-10-01 - Added position check on MonsterSetBase load;
2013-10-02 - Fixed Summoner enabled creation issue;
2013-10-03 - Fixed PK characters doesnt attack;
2013-10-03 - Removed restriction on 2nd stage pk atk and be atked by players;
2013-10-03 - Added IngameCashShop Server support;
2013-10-03 - Added Get IGSPoints protocol;
2013-10-04 - Added Get IGS Item list protocol;
2013-10-05 - Added IGS Item buy protocol;
2013-10-06 - Changed UI Interface to a better understanding of messages;
2013-10-06 - Changed LogProc colors and behavior;
2013-10-07 - Changed all logs calls and classified them in: ERROR, WARNING, NOTIFY, INFO and DEBUG;
2013-10-10 - Rewrote the Guild protocol;
2013-10-11 - Fixed guild creation issue;
2013-10-11 - Fixed guild information issue;
2013-10-12 - Fixed guild mark issue;
2013-10-13 - Fixed guild hostility issue;
2013-10-13 - Fixed guild union issue;
2013-10-13 - Fixed guild union view list issue;
2013-10-13 - Fixed guild list loading;
2013-10-13 - Added guild list reload option;
2013-10-13 - Fixed guild union chat;
2013-10-14 - Fixed Ranking Server connection;
2013-10-14 - Removed all static port and IPs configuration;
2013-10-14 - Added file;
2013-10-15 - Removed WzAG dependency;
2013-10-15 - Added custom configuration and files loading architeture;
2013-10-15 - Added files LC.ConfigurationFiles.ini on LCData folder;
2013-10-19 - Fixed freeze after some time of activity;
2013-10-20 - Fixed Max HP and MP stars when overflow 65535;
2013-10-28 - Rewrote all Castle Siege protocols, to better performance;
2013-10-28 - Fixed Lord Mix issue;
2013-10-28 - Fixed Castle Siege Gate closing issue;
2013-10-28 - Fixed error when running LC.GameServer.exe on WinXP 32 bits machine;
2013-10-28 - Fixed Castle Siege Sync protocol;
2013-10-28 - Fixed Castle Siege time left calc;
2013-10-28 - Added current Castle Siege state display info on LC.GameServerCS.exe;
2013-10-28 - Removed file Data\CastleSiege.dat;
2013-10-28 - Added file LCData\Events\CastleSiege.txt;
2013-10-28 - Added Castle Siege event file location configuration on LCData\LC.ConfigurationFiles.ini;
2013-10-29 - Fixed packet error by talking with Siege NPC when no guild registered on NPC;
2013-10-29 - Fixed Announce button display by talking with Siege NPC when not registered on Siege;
2013-10-30 - Added GameServer UDP Port configuration on GameServer.ini to avoid high CPU usage;
2013-10-30 - Renamed DUMP file name generation to a better understanding;
2013-10-30 - Fixed on CS union members not joining as atk or defense side;
2013-10-30 - Rewrote all Crywolf events protocols, to better performance;
2013-10-31 - Period Item protocols, to better performance;
2013-10-31 - Fixed flickering on printing information on screen;

2014-12-29 - Project revitalized;
2014-12-29 - Fixed some missing header files;
2014-12-30 - Added CS info on GSCS main window and title;
2014-12-30 - Added Commands feature on GS;
2014-12-30 - Build entire new engine for custom commands;
2014-12-30 - Added configuration file for commands;
2014-12-30 - Added move command;
2014-12-30 - Added whisper on/off command;
2014-12-30 - Added item command;
2014-12-31 - Added post command;
2014-12-31 - Rewrote Event Chip protocols;
2014-12-31 - Fixed Golden Archer register bug;
2015-01-01 - Added add command;
2015-01-01 - Added the path configuration of LC.Commands.txt on LC.ConfigurationFiles.ini;
2015-01-01 - Fixed bug when 3rd class wearing some itens;
2015-01-01 - Added Reset System;
2015-01-01 - Added LC.ResetSystem.txt to configure Reset System;
2015-01-01 - Fixed reading file messages bug;
2015-01-01 - Fixed Pc Points loading o character connect;
2015-01-10 - Fixed 65k stats;
2015-01-10 - Fixed AntiHack DC when high attack speed;
2015-01-10 - Fixed Getting Quest item on ground;
2015-01-16 - Add Duel System;
2015-01-16 - Added LC.DuelSystem.ini to configure Duel System;
2015-01-16 - Added + 28 option support;
2015-01-16 - Added + 15 item level support;
2015-01-16 - Added Ancient and Excellent item support;
2015-01-16 - Added +14 and +15 mix combinations (need to edit mix.bmd on client also);
2015-01-17 - Fixed guild member listing bug;

Changes by SmileY

2015-06-05 - Fixed 3rd quest class change in GameServer;
2015-06-05 - Moved Terrains.att to Data\Terrains folder;
2015-06-08 - Fixed Class ID for characters (Is JPN version);
2015-06-12 - Added a new Class ID check in SetCharacter object;
2015-06-13 - Increase the amount of items in PCBang Shop;
2015-06-13 - Added /zen command;
2015-06-15 - Moved EventItemBags to Data\EventItemBags folder;
2015-06-18 - Moved All Monsters file to Data\Monster folder;
2015-06-19 - Added new Jewel of Assembly: Add a level to item until gets +15 level;
2015-06-19 - Added new Jewel of Divinity: Set a option of item to +28;
2015-06-20 - Added new Jewel of Excelent: Add a excelent option until gets 6 options;
2015-06-20 - Added new Jewel of Luck: Add Luck to items;
2015-06-20 - Added new Jewel of Skill: Add Skill to weapons;
2015-06-22 - Added GamblingSystem;
2015-06-25 - Moved Skills infos to Skills folder;
2015-06-25 - Moved ChaosCardProbability's to ChaosCard folder;
2015-06-29 - Fixed /zen command;
2015-07-02 - Fixed command system from getting and setting PcPoints and Cash Points;
2015-07-13 - Added New Wings support;
2015-07-19 - Fixed pets gObjMakePreviewCharSet;
2015-07-21 - Fixed pets JGPGetCharList;
2015-07-22 - Fixed Potions Durability to 255;
2015-07-22 - Added Skeleton and Unicorn pets support;
2015-07-22 - Fixed pets damage and exp gain;
2015-07-25 - Fixed Panda ring;
2015-07-27 - Added /pkclear command;
2015-07-29 - Added VipSystem;
2015-07-29 - Integrated Siege Skills with VipSystems;
2015-07-29 - Added /vipinfo command;
2015-08-04 - Added /online and /clearinven command;
2015-08-14 - Added /ware command;
2015-08-14 - Added Level required cloumn for command system;
2015-09-21 - Fixed /evo command to require 2nd class;
2015-09-27 - Fixed /evo command to real change to Master Class;
2015-09-28 - Added /kill command;
2015-09-28 - Fixed Command system load end of the file;
2015-09-28 - Added /dc <player> <server|character> and their settings;
2015-10-02 - Added missed packets for Lucky Coin event;
2015-10-02 - Fixed Delgado NPC Talk and their EventBags;
2015-10-02 - Fixed Interface Blank Bug;
2015-10-02 - Fixed Santa Claus NPC and their Eventbags;
2015-10-04 - Added Custom Socket items at socketitem.txt;
2015-10-04 - Fixed ItemSerialCreateSend for Accept Socket Options;
2015-10-06 - Fixed /item crash;
2015-10-06 - Fixed /item messages;
2015-10-07 - Added /openware command;
2015-10-07 - Move some definitions from StdAfx.h to Define.h
2015-10-07 - Added Offline Trade System;
2015-10-07 - Changed path of some files in Data folder;
2015-10-10 - Fixed BuffEffects.txt not being loaded at startup;
2015-10-11 - Fixed a crash in new ItemSerialCreateSend function;
2015-10-11 - Removed log for Socket Options at ItemSerialCreateSend;
2015-10-16 - Fixed crash at ItemSerialCreateSend for socket items;
2015-10-16 - Move "LootingTime" config to CommonServer.cfg;
2015-10-16 - Added ItemDisappearTime to remove dropped items from ground;
2015-10-17 - Fixed error when load some files using gDirPath.GetNewPath() function;
2015-10-17 - Fixed some functions that causes errors in Monster System;
2015-10-17 - Fixed some logs to display info instead of error messages;
2015-10-18 - Moved GamblingItemBag.txt to EventItemBags folder;
2015-29-10 - Added Vip status check code to CommandManagner and their configs;
2015-29-10 - Fixed JGOtherJoin to match correctly with player index;
2015-29-10 - Fixed offline trade already connected message;
2015-30-10 - Added self defense time check for PVP;
2015-30-10 - Added vip count at GameServer interface;
2015-30-10 - Fixed Helper System item drop;
2015-31-10 - Added ShopEx Bonus Points for events, mobs and online time;
2015-31-10 - Added ShopEx Bonus configs;
2015-11-02 - Fixed PCBang Points update to db;
2015-11-02 - Added new Exchanger System and their configs;
2015-11-03 - Added new messages for PCBang Point;
2015-11-03 - Added MossMerchant and Helper Ellen to configuration manager shops;
2015-11-12 - Fixed Guild Notice when player join at server;
2015-11-16 - Added AutoReset System;
2015-11-20 - Added Class Calc for gObjCalcCharacter;
2015-11-23 - Added vault system and configs;
2015-11-23 - Fixed a crash when finish all quests from quest system;
2015-11-23 - Added AutoAdd function to command system;
2015-11-23 - Added the /chat command;
2015-11-23 - Fixed required level to use with Auto Reset command;
2015-11-23 - Fixed master level and exp when player do a reset;
2015-11-23 - Changed some project filters;
2015-11-23 - Added chat banned message;
2015-11-23 - Added /banchat <player> <minutes> and /unbanchat <player> commands;
2015-11-24 - Fixed a check for period items at cashshop: Talisman of Guardian and Talisman of Item Protection
2015-11-25 - Fixed Dark Spirit Pet Attack damage for Mace of the King (2,19)
2015-11-25 - Added Exp Bonus for Premium System;
2015-11-25 - Added Zen Bonus for Premium System;
2015-11-25 - Added Drop Bonus for Premium System;
2015-11-25 - Fixed PCPoint and Cash (wCoin) monster bonus from ShopPointEx system;
2015-11-25 - Fixed Reload some events from GameServer Menu;
2015-11-25 - Fixed Golden Eldorado Regen time events read from commonserver.cfg

Changelog (Main):


# 0.8.8 - Fixed the map names and their coordinates at interface;
# 0.8.7 - Added a config for new Chat Color;
# 0.8.6 - Added pMakeColor, pDrawMessage and pSetCursorFocus offsets;
# 0.8.5 - Changed Smoke Effect to read file using Tokenizer script;
# 0.8.4 - Changed Glow to read file using Tokenizer script;
# 0.8.3 - Changed Fog effect to read file using Tokenizer script;
# 0.8.2 - Fixed to remove Camera UI when init Move List;
# 0.8.1 - Fixed Drop Item title color;
# 0.8.0 - Added fully support for Bows and CrossBows items;
# 0.7.9 - Removed some unused Libs comment;
# 0.7.8 - Added pSocketSend Offset in protocol.h;
# 0.7.7 - Added Luck Penny lacking bmd file;
# 0.6.6 - Fixed TimeBar text color;
# 0.6.5 - Fixed a bug when open chat to no remove camera controllers;
# 0.6.4 - Added Colored messages to drop, item pick up and loot drop;
# 0.6.3 - Fixed Camera bar disappear when open chat window;
# 0.6.2 - Added 3D camera to interface buttons;
# 0.6.1 - Addec External controller to Mouse and Keyboard;
# 0.6.0 - Fixed entrance to Kanturu Battle with new wings;
# 0.5.9 - Added WideScreen support to main;
# 0.5.8 - Fixed Wizzard Damage in some items;
# 0.5.7 - Added new effects to eternal wings;
# 0.5.6 - Changed Eternal wings;
# 0.5.5 - Added Fog Effect to config file;
# 0.5.4 - Fixed rare bug with 3D camera scroll lock;
# 0.5.3 - Added NPC.ini config file
# 0.5.2 - Added NPCs sets and effects
# 0.5.1 - Removed PVP Reflect;
# 0.5.0 - Now you can reload Glow Effect and Smoke Effect with DELETE key;
# 0.4.9 - Fixed Smoke Effect colors and reload;
# 0.4.8 - Optmized DrawTime Function;
# 0.4.7 - Moved Message_Glob to interface.h
# 0.4.6 - Changed & fixed ToolKit class;
# 0.4.5 - Fixed new pets in inventory;
# 0.4.4 - Added new pets;
# 0.4.3 - Changed new jewels code;
# 0.4.2 - Added some classes to 3D Camera;
# 0.4.1 - Moved MAIN_STATE_ADDR and MAP_CHECK_ADDR to cMain class
# 0.4.0 - Added classes to some code
# 0.3.9 - Re-writed a lot of code in main
# 0.3.8 - Added Level 4 wings previewcharset
# 0.3.7 - Added Level 4 wings and effects
# 0.3.6 - Added Level 4 wings
# 0.3.5 - Added Clock Mod
# 0.3.4 - Added Glow config
# 0.3.3 - Fixed Mouse Scroll while in Cash shop for 3D Camera
# 0.3.2 - Added SmokeEffect.txt to project
# 0.3.1 - Fixed smoke effect
# 0.3.0 - Added Fog effect
# 0.2.9 - Implemented Smoke effect (Lacking some offsets)
# 0.2.8 - Fixed CTRL key for multiple window
# 0.2.7 - Added new functions to ToolKit
# 0.2.6 - Fixed Commands in select server and select char screen
# 0.2.5 - Added a important fix to CPU usage (50% to 1.8%)!!!
# 0.2.4 - Added a day night effect to SkyBox
# 0.2.3 - Added a multi client option
# 0.2.2 - Added a small message to 3D camera start and stop
# 0.2.1 - Add and remove Hook for Mouse and keyboard at main start
# 0.2.0 - Changed to hook method in DLL (Use native method to attach in process)
# 0.1.9 - Added a config to Window title (And their dependences to 3D Camera)
# 0.1.8 - Fixed characters accentuation
# 0.1.7 - Fixed function to return 3D Camera
# 0.1.6 - Fixed Move menu to not hook mouse scrool
# 0.1.5 - Added function to change screenshots path
# 0.1.4 - Added a config to hide or show point fruit messages
# 0.1.3 - Added a decrypt to MuError.Log
# 0.1.2 - Added some new NPCs configs
# 0.1.0 - Added Siege skills
# 0.0.9 - Added IP, serial and version functions
# 0.0.8 - Added SkyBox Function
# 0.0.7 - Added Camera function
# 0.0.6 - Added HPBar, interface and Protocol functions
# 0.0.5 - Added fixes function
# 0.0.4 - Added Items fuinction
# 0.0.3 - Added Minimap function
# 0.0.2 - Added ChatWnd function
# 0.0.1 - Added Config function
# 0.0.0 - Main Release





  • Instale o SQL Server e tenha certeza que ele está com o acesso aos IPs liberados, pois o servidor não usa ODBC!;
  • Faça o Download dos arquivos no tópico;
  • Execute o arquivo Create MuOnline DB que está na pasta Tools;
  • Configure o arquivo DataServer.ini como desejar
  • Configure os ips externos nos arquivos MapServerInfo.dat e também no arquivo do ServerList.dat do ConnecServer
  • E por fim verifique o serial e versão no cliente e no servidor (No main use o arquivo Main.ini que está na pasta Data/_Custom_

Ps. O arquivo DataServer.ini utiliza um usuário e senha pré-configurados no script do banco de dados.
Caso queira alterar, mude o login ""usr_muonline e a senha "mu@db#2013" antes de executar o script no SQL.

Isso garante a segurança de seu banco de dados, sem a necessidade de se utilizar o usuário SA.

- Créditos


- SmileY

- Mentor
- Scott Adm
- ntsdaimon
- L.Henrique
- Jhonny
- Hugo Gomes
- Biel
- Antônio filho
- Rickfds
- Killer
- Marceliin
- JB Minato
- Th3Ang3L (Evolution Team)
- Clerigs
Editado por um moderador:


Honrado XPZ
roda até roda, pq se trata de uma query qe você roda e ja cria a Database com todas as colunas. Porém é recomendado sql 2005 pra cima devido a algumas novas funções 


Honrado XPZ
Parece ser bom, irei testar.

essa versão não tem o evento Happy Hour né?

esse muserver é bem diferente dos que já mexi, esse tem poucos arquivos e tals... vamos ver jaja edito falando oq achei!

.... outra coisa, esse emulador ta bom para deixar online para players??


será q me pode explicar essa parte q nao entendi.

  • Instale o SQL Server e tenha certeza que ele está com o acesso aos IPs liberados, pois o servidor não usa ODBC!;

tipo to com meu sql server 2000 instalado, onde vejo quais os ips q estão liberados nele??

E outra coisa quando eu tento abrir o links do dataserver aparece uma massagem dizendo q o aplicativo não é win32 válido.

To usando windows xp pro 32bits
Editado por um moderador:


Honrado XPZ
Pela ChangeLog parece ser bom, só não vi sistema de noticias.

Procurei nas ini do muserver e não encontrei.


Honrado XPZ
Por favor, Entrar ou Registrar para ver o conteúdo das citações!

Fosse vc abandonava sql 2000, use o 2008 e não terá problemas com muserver atuais.

Estou com problemas também ao abrir o DataServer, win 32 não valido, já resolvi problema com esse erro chato, mais não lembro como, agora vou sair, mais tarde irei resolver e vou testar esse muserver.
Editado por um moderador:


Honrado XPZ
tive, que trocar de sistema operacional para acabar com o erro do

Por favor, Entrar ou Registrar para ver o conteúdo das citações!

instalei o windows 7 pro 86x, instalei o sql 2008 e configurei tudo, só que quando vou iniciar o sv aparece esse erro ai, ja alterei o usuário e senha no arquivo citado!

alguma dica?


Olhei no log da dataserver

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Editado por um moderador:


Honrado XPZ
Por favor, Entrar ou Registrar para ver o conteúdo das citações!

Descobri, era mesmo erro de configuração do SQL 2008, pois é a primeira vez q utilizo ele e to apanhando para acertar as configurações aqui kkkkkk

consegui colocar online, porem to tendo problemas, to la jogando e do nada o main fecha, ai tenho q entrar dnv e passa um pouco ele fecha dnv.....

descobri o motivo de fechar, é quando eu coloco o char gm com o CtlCode 32, ai quando vou entrar no cliente ele fecha, qual é o ctlcode q deve usar??
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