Honrado XPZ
ACTEmulador Season 2.5 Server
ACTEmulador Season 2.5 Server
ACTEmulador Season 2.5 Source
: [hideplus]
| ================================================= ========================
| Project Season 2.5 - Advanced CoderZ MU Development Β © 2013
| Gamesrever 1:00:18 / 19 (JPN)
| Source GameServer VersΓ £ o
| Programmed by Mr.Haziel
Cracker error M: / driver
| -> [GS / CS] Date Folder reformulated and translated
| -> [GS / CS] UDP port configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] £ Premiaçà the Blood Castle
| -> [GS / CS] level limit configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] speaks of configurΓ'vel guards
| -> [GS / CS] delete Players without ConfigurΓ'vel ID
| -> [GS / CS] To delete settings without configurΓ'vel ID
| -> [GS / CS] Connecting mΓΊltiplos gameserver
| -> [GS / CS] Player nΓ £ resuscitating throwing items in chΓ £ o
| -> [GS / CS] status Limit atΓ © 65535 configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Time to select char and exit the configurΓ'vel Game
| -> [GS / CS] Server for VIP (room for 3 types of Vip) configurΓ'vel
| -> [ GS /] Trade map configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS /] PVP map configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] notΓcias System ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] good message Welcome to Logo Paw three types of VIP
| -> [GS / CS] Auto System experiΓncia
| -> [GS / CS] System GamemMaster (GameMasterSystem)
| -> [GS /] GameMaster immortal, ie ninguΓ © m can kill it ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added System with GamemMaster the speeches Log in
| ============================ =============================================
| - CorreΓ§ Γes
| ============================================== ===========================
| -> [GS / CS] Standby DataServer corrected
| -> [GS / CS] memΓ³ria error 0x00000000 fixed
| -> [GS / CS] Error-L2: index (% d)% x% x% x: fixed
| -> [GS / CS] Destroy giocp Fixed
| -> [GS / CS] serial Socket Error
| - > [GS / CS] corrected error Protocol
| -> [GS / CS] Socket invΓ'lido corrected
| -> [GS / CS] Hack Tool Fixed
| -> [GS / CS] Speed Hack log disabled
| -> [GS / CS] Speed Hack disconnect corrected
| -> [GS / CS] nick Authority Webzen Disabled
| -> [GS / CS] Skills Hack Disconnect corrected
| -> [GS / CS] £ Criaçà the Guild out of fixed npc
| -> [GS / CS] Defects of the shadows of the items in inventΓ'rio (Shadow Bug) corrected
| -> [GS / CS] Durability for New Items
| -> [GS /] pvp error known as dinotante bug Fixed
| ================================================= ========================
| - New Gameserver Display
| =================== ================================================== ====
| -> [GS / CS] Added Configuraçà System £ o Name Display
| -> [GS / CS] Added System Configuraçà £ o Display color
| -> [GS / CS] Added Configuraçà System £ Display the font color
| ================================= ========================================
| - New Support PK
| == ================================================== =====================
| -> [GS / CS] PK sell and buy in the shop
| -> [GS / CS] PK move in configurΓ game 'vel
| -> [GS / CS] PK & Hero Infinite limit
| ================================== =======================================
| - System skiils
| ==== ================================================== ===================
| -> [GS / CS] Correçà £ o in Bk Bug skills attack from afar
| -> [GS / CS] Dividers control manashield configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Dividers control of Greater fortitude configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] TwistingSlash level configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] RagefulBlow level configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] DeathStab level configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Impale level configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] FireSlash level configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] IceArrow level configurΓ ' vel
| -> [GS / CS] Penetration level configurΓ'vel
| =================================== ======================================
| - New ChaosBox Season 2 EpisΓ³dio 5
| == ================================================== =====================
| -> [GS / CS]% of the rate on £ Criaçà the wings level 1 configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS]% of the rate on £ Criaçà the wings level 2 configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS]% of the rate on £ Criaçà the wings level 3 configurΓ'vel (SHOW)
| -> [ GS / CS]% of the rete in £ Criaçà the Dinorant configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS]% of the rete of OpΓ§Γes items 380 configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS]% rete in Evoluçà £ o of the items + 10 configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS]% of the rete in Evoluçà £ o of the items + 11 configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS]% of rete in Evoluçà £ o of the items + 12 configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS]% of the rete in Evoluçà £ o of the items + 13 configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS]% of the rete in EvoluΓ §Γ £ o of the items + 14 configurΓ'vel (SHOW)
| -> [GS / CS]% of the rete in Evoluçà £ o of the items + 15 configurΓ'vel (SHOW)
| ======== ================================================== ===============
| - AnΓΊncio system AutomΓ'tico
| ========================= ================================================
| - > [GS / CS] Global AnΓΊncio message when GamemMaster Loga
| -> [GS / CS] Global AnΓΊncio message when alguΓ © m Loga
| =================== ================================================== ====
| - Items System
| ======================================= ==================================
| -> [GS / CS] item Weather Percentage in £ chΓ the ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Items Excellent / Full in the game shop
| -> [GS / CS] is © AnΓ of £ transformaçà the configurΓ'veis
| -> [GS / CS] Drop items Exe / normal / luck configurΓ'veis
| -> [GS / CS] success rate of jΓ³ias ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] OpΓ§Γes items + 28
| -> [GS / CS] Infinite arrows of Elfa ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Preço of all the jewels
| -> [GS / CS] £ Correçà the defects of porΓ§Γes
| ====== ================================================== =================
| - New Support for Items + 15
| ======================= ==================================================
| -> [GS / CS] +13 items Support atΓ © +15
| -> [GS / CS] New durability of items © atΓ +13 +15
| -> [GS / CS] New support in ObjCalCharacter atΓ © 15
| =============================================== ==========================
| - System moves
| ================= ================================================== ======
| -> [GS / CS] Added System moves (Movereq)
| -> [GS / CS] Added Zen application configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added Map System Vip directly the Movereq
| =============================================== ==========================
| - System BaΓΊs
| ================= ================================================== ======
| -> [GS / CS] multiple system BaΓΊs
| -> [GS / CS] zen Application configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] multiple system BaΓΊs by type of vip configurΓ ' level
| -> [GS / CS] System time between exchanges BaΓΊs configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] dupe items v System fexar the baΓΊ Altomaticamente
| ============ ================================================== ===========
| - New PVP system
| =============================== ==========================================
| -> [GS / CS] Added new PvP Plugin
| -> [GS / CS] Added checking atΓ items © +15
| -> [GS / CS] Added new PvP equilΓbrio
| -> [GS / CS] PVP system fully ConfigurΓ'vel
| = ================================================== ======================
| - Reset System without relog Need
| ================= ================================================== ======
| -> [GS / CS] Added switch to turn the system configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added two types of reset pontuativo / cumulative configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added Zen application configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added checks to the £ nΓ can reset with configurΓ'vel items
| -> [GS / CS] Added check mΓ'ximo limit resets ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added check to move map of configurΓ'vel source
| -> [GS / CS] Added level checks to reset to 0 atΓ © 400 configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added HP equilΓbrio / MP / SD
| -> [GS / CS] Added checking for 3 types of VIP bronze / silver / gold
| -> [GS / CS] Added level ApΓ³s reset configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added points for reset configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added ApΓ³s points reset in forΓ§a configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added ApΓ³s points reset Agility configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added points ApΓ³s reset vitality configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added ApΓ³s points reset in configurΓ'vel energy
| -> [GS / CS] Added effect of 3Β Queste the Reset
| -> [GS / CS] Added package nΓ £ relog finalized the 100%
| -> [GS / CS] Added Proteçà £ against the Reset the Dead Player
| -> [GS / CS] Added Proteçà £ Reset the counter with BaΓΊ / open trade
| -> [GS / CS] Added Correçà £ Bug visual Reset Move
| -> [GS / CS] Added Syntax / Reset configurΓ'vel
| =================== ================================================== ====
| - System Add points without relog Need
| ================================== =======================================
| -> [GS / CS] Added key to connect the ConfigurΓ'vel command
| -> [GS / CS] Added Zen application configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added checking mΓ'ximo points
| -> [GS / CS] Added equilΓbrio HP / MP / SD
| -> [GS / CS] Added Syntax / For ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added Syntax / Agi ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added Syntax / Vit ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added Syntax / Ene ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added ConfigurΓ'vel effect
| -> [GS / CS] Added Correçà £ o Bug negatives 100%
| -> [GS / CS] Added package for £ nΓ the relog finalized 100%
| ==================================== =====================================
| - Special Trade System ON / OFF Trade
| = ================================================== ======================
| -> [GS /] Added switch to turn the system configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS /] Added Zen application configurΓ 'vel
| -> [GS /] Added level requirement configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS /] Added checking for 3 types of VIP bronze / silver / gold
| -> [GS /] Added Syntax / tradeoff configurΓ'vel
| ================================================== =======================
| - New CorreΓ§Γes Season 2 EpisΓ³dio 5
| ============= ================================================== ==========
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Wings level 3 in the game
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Wings level 3 in £ seleçà the characters
| -> [ GS / CS] Added New Wings level 3 with opΓ§Γes (luck and excellent options)
| -> [GS / CS] Added new level of durability Wings 3
| -> [GS / CS] Added new durability of items 3
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Classes Level 3 in the game (Master Classes)
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Classes Level 3 in £ seleçà the characters (Master Classes)
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Wings level 3 Accept level of Update with (bless, soul, life)
| -> [GS / CS] Added Move in KorelGate npc for Kanturu Event
| -> [GS / CS] Added Move to Icarus with new wings level 3
| -> [GS / CS] Added new NPC (Priest Dervin, Mummy, Warewolf, gatekeeper ...)
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Classes power Use Items
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Classes power Using Skills
| -> [GS / CS] Added HP / MP / SG / ST Potion for new Classes
| -> [GS / CS] Added Invalid Attack for new Classes
| -> [GS / CS] Added GoldenFenrir in the game
| -> [GS / CS] Added GoldenFenrir in £ seleçà the characters
| -> [GS / CS] Added GoldenFenrir Invalid Attack
| -> [GS / CS] Added Greater Shop Limit
| -> [GS / CS] Adding New Shops (Leo the Helper Pamela the Supplier, the Supplier Angela atasha the Firecracker)
| -> [GS / CS] Added Sell and Buy Items in the new shops
| -> [GS / CS] Added new items in chaos Machine
| -> [GS / CS] Adding New Mixes wings in chaos Machine
| -> [GS / CS] Added Master Classes + Dark Stone Quest (Critical Bug Solved) (New)
| -> [GS / CS] Adding New maps Season 2.5
| ============================================== ===========================
| - 10 New Jewelry Custons
| =============== ================================================== ========
| -> [GS / CS] Added new Jewels system custons
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Joia Excellent
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Joia Item 15
| - > [GS / CS] Added New Joia Anciet Item
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Jewel Luck Item
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Joia Item Skill
| -> [GS / CS] Add New Item Joia life + 16
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Jewel Full Item
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Joia Remove Harmony
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Joia Remove Anciet
| ======== ================================================== ===============
| - Players commands [with control of all Syntax]
| ===================== ================================================== ==
| -> [GS / CS] / Info // server InformaΓ§Γes
| -> [GS / CS] / Site // Inform your Site
| -> [GS / CS] / exit // Disconnect from Game
| -> [GS / CS] / Online // Informa UsuΓ'rios Online
| -> [GS / CS] / Post // With proteçà system pounds the flood and in 3 colors
| -> [GS / CS ] / PKClear // Clear the Player Pk
| -> [GS / CS] / HeroClear // Clear the Player Hero
| -> [GS / CS] / AddPK // Add the pk in the level that the player wishes
| - > [GS / CS] / Zen Zen // Add the player want to
| -> [GS / CS] / ClearInv // Clear the Player inventΓ'rio in 3 ways
| -> [GS / CS] / BaΓΊ / / baΓΊs exchange with proteçà £ anti dupe
| -> [GS / CS] / SwitchClass // Change the player's class with £ proteçà system the items
| -> [GS / CS] / Drop / / Command to create items
| -> [GS / CS] / Skin // Command turn into monsters
| -> [GS / CS] / Evo // It changes the player to Master Classes
| ========= ================================================== ==============
| - Gamemaster commands [with control of all Syntax]
| ====================== ================================================== =
| -> [GS / CS] / MoveAll // Move all players
| -> [GS / CS] / MoveGuild // move the entire Guild
| -> [GS / CS] / Desconect // Disconnects Player
| - > [GS / CS] / Trace // Will atΓ © player
| -> [GS / CS] / Track // brings the player
| -> [GS / CS] / Block // Blocks Player
| -> [GS / CS] / unblock // Unlock Player
| -> [GS / CS] / // Ban Ban account
| -> [GS / CS] / unban unban account //
| -> [GS / CS] / // Reload Reloads the configs of (.dll)
| ========================================== ===============================
| - New Gamemaster chat system
| ========= ================================================== ==============
| -> [GS / CS]! // Global GM Original Message
| -> [GS / CS] # // Global GM message with name in front
| -> [GS / CS] $ // Global GM message with name on
| ===== ================================================== ==================
| - New Ranking System
| ======================== =================================================
| -> [GS / CS] New Resets monthly weekly Diario Ranking system and complete
| -> [GS / CS] New Pk monthly weekly Diario Ranking system and complete
| -> [GS / CS] New Ranking System Hero monthly and weekly Diario full
| =========================================== ==============================
| - Operating System for MuServer
| =========== ================================================== ============
| -> [OS] compatible with Windows Server 2003 SP1
| -> [OS] compatible with Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
| ============ ================================================== ===========
| - New SQL System
| =============================== ==========================================
| -> Credits HamiltontszReuploadmuonlinegr2
ACTEmulador Season 2.5 Server
ACTEmulador Season 2.5 Server
ACTEmulador Season 2.5 Source
: [hideplus]
| ================================================= ========================
| Project Season 2.5 - Advanced CoderZ MU Development Β © 2013
| Gamesrever 1:00:18 / 19 (JPN)
| Source GameServer VersΓ £ o
| Programmed by Mr.Haziel
Cracker error M: / driver
| -> [GS / CS] Date Folder reformulated and translated
| -> [GS / CS] UDP port configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] £ Premiaçà the Blood Castle
| -> [GS / CS] level limit configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] speaks of configurΓ'vel guards
| -> [GS / CS] delete Players without ConfigurΓ'vel ID
| -> [GS / CS] To delete settings without configurΓ'vel ID
| -> [GS / CS] Connecting mΓΊltiplos gameserver
| -> [GS / CS] Player nΓ £ resuscitating throwing items in chΓ £ o
| -> [GS / CS] status Limit atΓ © 65535 configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Time to select char and exit the configurΓ'vel Game
| -> [GS / CS] Server for VIP (room for 3 types of Vip) configurΓ'vel
| -> [ GS /] Trade map configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS /] PVP map configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] notΓcias System ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] good message Welcome to Logo Paw three types of VIP
| -> [GS / CS] Auto System experiΓncia
| -> [GS / CS] System GamemMaster (GameMasterSystem)
| -> [GS /] GameMaster immortal, ie ninguΓ © m can kill it ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added System with GamemMaster the speeches Log in
| ============================ =============================================
| - CorreΓ§ Γes
| ============================================== ===========================
| -> [GS / CS] Standby DataServer corrected
| -> [GS / CS] memΓ³ria error 0x00000000 fixed
| -> [GS / CS] Error-L2: index (% d)% x% x% x: fixed
| -> [GS / CS] Destroy giocp Fixed
| -> [GS / CS] serial Socket Error
| - > [GS / CS] corrected error Protocol
| -> [GS / CS] Socket invΓ'lido corrected
| -> [GS / CS] Hack Tool Fixed
| -> [GS / CS] Speed Hack log disabled
| -> [GS / CS] Speed Hack disconnect corrected
| -> [GS / CS] nick Authority Webzen Disabled
| -> [GS / CS] Skills Hack Disconnect corrected
| -> [GS / CS] £ Criaçà the Guild out of fixed npc
| -> [GS / CS] Defects of the shadows of the items in inventΓ'rio (Shadow Bug) corrected
| -> [GS / CS] Durability for New Items
| -> [GS /] pvp error known as dinotante bug Fixed
| ================================================= ========================
| - New Gameserver Display
| =================== ================================================== ====
| -> [GS / CS] Added Configuraçà System £ o Name Display
| -> [GS / CS] Added System Configuraçà £ o Display color
| -> [GS / CS] Added Configuraçà System £ Display the font color
| ================================= ========================================
| - New Support PK
| == ================================================== =====================
| -> [GS / CS] PK sell and buy in the shop
| -> [GS / CS] PK move in configurΓ game 'vel
| -> [GS / CS] PK & Hero Infinite limit
| ================================== =======================================
| - System skiils
| ==== ================================================== ===================
| -> [GS / CS] Correçà £ o in Bk Bug skills attack from afar
| -> [GS / CS] Dividers control manashield configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Dividers control of Greater fortitude configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] TwistingSlash level configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] RagefulBlow level configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] DeathStab level configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Impale level configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] FireSlash level configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] IceArrow level configurΓ ' vel
| -> [GS / CS] Penetration level configurΓ'vel
| =================================== ======================================
| - New ChaosBox Season 2 EpisΓ³dio 5
| == ================================================== =====================
| -> [GS / CS]% of the rate on £ Criaçà the wings level 1 configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS]% of the rate on £ Criaçà the wings level 2 configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS]% of the rate on £ Criaçà the wings level 3 configurΓ'vel (SHOW)
| -> [ GS / CS]% of the rete in £ Criaçà the Dinorant configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS]% of the rete of OpΓ§Γes items 380 configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS]% rete in Evoluçà £ o of the items + 10 configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS]% of the rete in Evoluçà £ o of the items + 11 configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS]% of rete in Evoluçà £ o of the items + 12 configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS]% of the rete in Evoluçà £ o of the items + 13 configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS]% of the rete in EvoluΓ §Γ £ o of the items + 14 configurΓ'vel (SHOW)
| -> [GS / CS]% of the rete in Evoluçà £ o of the items + 15 configurΓ'vel (SHOW)
| ======== ================================================== ===============
| - AnΓΊncio system AutomΓ'tico
| ========================= ================================================
| - > [GS / CS] Global AnΓΊncio message when GamemMaster Loga
| -> [GS / CS] Global AnΓΊncio message when alguΓ © m Loga
| =================== ================================================== ====
| - Items System
| ======================================= ==================================
| -> [GS / CS] item Weather Percentage in £ chΓ the ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Items Excellent / Full in the game shop
| -> [GS / CS] is © AnΓ of £ transformaçà the configurΓ'veis
| -> [GS / CS] Drop items Exe / normal / luck configurΓ'veis
| -> [GS / CS] success rate of jΓ³ias ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] OpΓ§Γes items + 28
| -> [GS / CS] Infinite arrows of Elfa ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Preço of all the jewels
| -> [GS / CS] £ Correçà the defects of porΓ§Γes
| ====== ================================================== =================
| - New Support for Items + 15
| ======================= ==================================================
| -> [GS / CS] +13 items Support atΓ © +15
| -> [GS / CS] New durability of items © atΓ +13 +15
| -> [GS / CS] New support in ObjCalCharacter atΓ © 15
| =============================================== ==========================
| - System moves
| ================= ================================================== ======
| -> [GS / CS] Added System moves (Movereq)
| -> [GS / CS] Added Zen application configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added Map System Vip directly the Movereq
| =============================================== ==========================
| - System BaΓΊs
| ================= ================================================== ======
| -> [GS / CS] multiple system BaΓΊs
| -> [GS / CS] zen Application configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] multiple system BaΓΊs by type of vip configurΓ ' level
| -> [GS / CS] System time between exchanges BaΓΊs configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] dupe items v System fexar the baΓΊ Altomaticamente
| ============ ================================================== ===========
| - New PVP system
| =============================== ==========================================
| -> [GS / CS] Added new PvP Plugin
| -> [GS / CS] Added checking atΓ items © +15
| -> [GS / CS] Added new PvP equilΓbrio
| -> [GS / CS] PVP system fully ConfigurΓ'vel
| = ================================================== ======================
| - Reset System without relog Need
| ================= ================================================== ======
| -> [GS / CS] Added switch to turn the system configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added two types of reset pontuativo / cumulative configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added Zen application configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added checks to the £ nΓ can reset with configurΓ'vel items
| -> [GS / CS] Added check mΓ'ximo limit resets ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added check to move map of configurΓ'vel source
| -> [GS / CS] Added level checks to reset to 0 atΓ © 400 configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added HP equilΓbrio / MP / SD
| -> [GS / CS] Added checking for 3 types of VIP bronze / silver / gold
| -> [GS / CS] Added level ApΓ³s reset configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added points for reset configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added ApΓ³s points reset in forΓ§a configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added ApΓ³s points reset Agility configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added points ApΓ³s reset vitality configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added ApΓ³s points reset in configurΓ'vel energy
| -> [GS / CS] Added effect of 3Β Queste the Reset
| -> [GS / CS] Added package nΓ £ relog finalized the 100%
| -> [GS / CS] Added Proteçà £ against the Reset the Dead Player
| -> [GS / CS] Added Proteçà £ Reset the counter with BaΓΊ / open trade
| -> [GS / CS] Added Correçà £ Bug visual Reset Move
| -> [GS / CS] Added Syntax / Reset configurΓ'vel
| =================== ================================================== ====
| - System Add points without relog Need
| ================================== =======================================
| -> [GS / CS] Added key to connect the ConfigurΓ'vel command
| -> [GS / CS] Added Zen application configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added checking mΓ'ximo points
| -> [GS / CS] Added equilΓbrio HP / MP / SD
| -> [GS / CS] Added Syntax / For ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added Syntax / Agi ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added Syntax / Vit ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added Syntax / Ene ConfigurΓ'vel
| -> [GS / CS] Added ConfigurΓ'vel effect
| -> [GS / CS] Added Correçà £ o Bug negatives 100%
| -> [GS / CS] Added package for £ nΓ the relog finalized 100%
| ==================================== =====================================
| - Special Trade System ON / OFF Trade
| = ================================================== ======================
| -> [GS /] Added switch to turn the system configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS /] Added Zen application configurΓ 'vel
| -> [GS /] Added level requirement configurΓ'vel
| -> [GS /] Added checking for 3 types of VIP bronze / silver / gold
| -> [GS /] Added Syntax / tradeoff configurΓ'vel
| ================================================== =======================
| - New CorreΓ§Γes Season 2 EpisΓ³dio 5
| ============= ================================================== ==========
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Wings level 3 in the game
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Wings level 3 in £ seleçà the characters
| -> [ GS / CS] Added New Wings level 3 with opΓ§Γes (luck and excellent options)
| -> [GS / CS] Added new level of durability Wings 3
| -> [GS / CS] Added new durability of items 3
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Classes Level 3 in the game (Master Classes)
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Classes Level 3 in £ seleçà the characters (Master Classes)
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Wings level 3 Accept level of Update with (bless, soul, life)
| -> [GS / CS] Added Move in KorelGate npc for Kanturu Event
| -> [GS / CS] Added Move to Icarus with new wings level 3
| -> [GS / CS] Added new NPC (Priest Dervin, Mummy, Warewolf, gatekeeper ...)
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Classes power Use Items
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Classes power Using Skills
| -> [GS / CS] Added HP / MP / SG / ST Potion for new Classes
| -> [GS / CS] Added Invalid Attack for new Classes
| -> [GS / CS] Added GoldenFenrir in the game
| -> [GS / CS] Added GoldenFenrir in £ seleçà the characters
| -> [GS / CS] Added GoldenFenrir Invalid Attack
| -> [GS / CS] Added Greater Shop Limit
| -> [GS / CS] Adding New Shops (Leo the Helper Pamela the Supplier, the Supplier Angela atasha the Firecracker)
| -> [GS / CS] Added Sell and Buy Items in the new shops
| -> [GS / CS] Added new items in chaos Machine
| -> [GS / CS] Adding New Mixes wings in chaos Machine
| -> [GS / CS] Added Master Classes + Dark Stone Quest (Critical Bug Solved) (New)
| -> [GS / CS] Adding New maps Season 2.5
| ============================================== ===========================
| - 10 New Jewelry Custons
| =============== ================================================== ========
| -> [GS / CS] Added new Jewels system custons
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Joia Excellent
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Joia Item 15
| - > [GS / CS] Added New Joia Anciet Item
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Jewel Luck Item
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Joia Item Skill
| -> [GS / CS] Add New Item Joia life + 16
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Jewel Full Item
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Joia Remove Harmony
| -> [GS / CS] Added New Joia Remove Anciet
| ======== ================================================== ===============
| - Players commands [with control of all Syntax]
| ===================== ================================================== ==
| -> [GS / CS] / Info // server InformaΓ§Γes
| -> [GS / CS] / Site // Inform your Site
| -> [GS / CS] / exit // Disconnect from Game
| -> [GS / CS] / Online // Informa UsuΓ'rios Online
| -> [GS / CS] / Post // With proteçà system pounds the flood and in 3 colors
| -> [GS / CS ] / PKClear // Clear the Player Pk
| -> [GS / CS] / HeroClear // Clear the Player Hero
| -> [GS / CS] / AddPK // Add the pk in the level that the player wishes
| - > [GS / CS] / Zen Zen // Add the player want to
| -> [GS / CS] / ClearInv // Clear the Player inventΓ'rio in 3 ways
| -> [GS / CS] / BaΓΊ / / baΓΊs exchange with proteçà £ anti dupe
| -> [GS / CS] / SwitchClass // Change the player's class with £ proteçà system the items
| -> [GS / CS] / Drop / / Command to create items
| -> [GS / CS] / Skin // Command turn into monsters
| -> [GS / CS] / Evo // It changes the player to Master Classes
| ========= ================================================== ==============
| - Gamemaster commands [with control of all Syntax]
| ====================== ================================================== =
| -> [GS / CS] / MoveAll // Move all players
| -> [GS / CS] / MoveGuild // move the entire Guild
| -> [GS / CS] / Desconect // Disconnects Player
| - > [GS / CS] / Trace // Will atΓ © player
| -> [GS / CS] / Track // brings the player
| -> [GS / CS] / Block // Blocks Player
| -> [GS / CS] / unblock // Unlock Player
| -> [GS / CS] / // Ban Ban account
| -> [GS / CS] / unban unban account //
| -> [GS / CS] / // Reload Reloads the configs of (.dll)
| ========================================== ===============================
| - New Gamemaster chat system
| ========= ================================================== ==============
| -> [GS / CS]! // Global GM Original Message
| -> [GS / CS] # // Global GM message with name in front
| -> [GS / CS] $ // Global GM message with name on
| ===== ================================================== ==================
| - New Ranking System
| ======================== =================================================
| -> [GS / CS] New Resets monthly weekly Diario Ranking system and complete
| -> [GS / CS] New Pk monthly weekly Diario Ranking system and complete
| -> [GS / CS] New Ranking System Hero monthly and weekly Diario full
| =========================================== ==============================
| - Operating System for MuServer
| =========== ================================================== ============
| -> [OS] compatible with Windows Server 2003 SP1
| -> [OS] compatible with Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
| ============ ================================================== ===========
| - New SQL System
| =============================== ==========================================
| -> Credits HamiltontszReuploadmuonlinegr2
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