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Editando Skill


Honrado XPZ

    eu vou falar como e que muda o BM2 das raças,

    bem voçe vai em "Cabal Online\Data\FX\EFX\Arms"

    e copia dois arquivos que vc vai editar no meu casso vou usar o BM2 do arqueiro e colocar o BM2 do duelista os arquivos sao (twin_pistol-1.efx)esse e o bm2 do arqueiro, (claw-0.efx)esse e o bm2 do duelista.

    Depois de copiar cole eles em pasta deferentes e depois esconha um deles e copie e cole na mesma pasta no meu caso eu esconhi o "claw-0.efx". e depois vai ficar assim "Cópia de claw-0.efx" e depois vai no outro arquivo e copie o nome dele e cole no arquivo "Cópiedeclaw-0.efx" ele vai ficar assim "twin_pistol-1.efx" e depois vai no "claw-0.efx" e copie o nome e cole no lugar do arquivo da outra pasta sem ser o que vc ja modificou, e no lugar do "twin_pistol-1.efx" coloque "claw-0.efx" e pronto agora e so colocar devouta na pasta "Cabal Online\Data\FX\EFX\Arms" , agora vc tem um arqueiro com garas.

    Aqui esta os nome de cada arquivo e qual e a arma:


    1h_bld_06 | Osmium Blade

    1h_bld_06+ | RedOsmium Blade

    1h_bld_07 | Mithtil Blade ?(its Blue)

    1h_brc_00 | Other Crude Orb

    1h_brc_01 | Other red Orb

    1h_brc_02 | Other Crude Crystal

    1h_brc_03 | Other red Crystal

    1h_cry_00 | Crude Crystal

    1h_cry_01 | Red Crystal

    1h_cry_02 | Coraleye Crystal

    1h_cry_03 | Citrine Crystal

    1h_cry_04 | Bluestine Crystal

    1h_cry_05 | Pherstin Crystal

    1h_cry_05+ | Aqua Crystal

    1h_cry_06 | Lapis Crystal

    1h_cry_06+ | Topaz Crystal

    1h_cry_07 | Mithtil Crystal (Blue)

    1h_cry_07+ | Mithril Crystal (Red and Blue)

    1h_kat_06 | Osmium Katana

    1h_kat_06+ | RedOsmium Katana

    1h_kat_07 | Mithril Katana

    1h_orb_00 | Crude Orb

    1h_orb_01 | Red orb

    1h_orb_02 | Coraleye Orb

    1h_orb_03 | Citrine Orb

    1h_orb_04 | Bluestin Orb

    1h_orb_05 | Pherstin Orb

    1h_orb_05+ | Aqua Orb

    1h_orb_06 | Lapis Orp

    1h_orb_06+ | Topaz Orb

    1h_orb_07 | Mithril Orb?

    1h_orb_07+ | Mithril Orb?

    2h_bld_06 | Osmium Sword

    2h_bld_06+ | Redosmium Sword

    2h_bld_07 | Mithril Sword

    2h_kat_06 | Osmium Daikatana

    2h_kat_06+ | Redosmium Daikatana

    2h_kat_07 | Mithril Daukatana

    Aura_01_keep | AuraMode Earth

    Aura_02_keep | AuraMode Water

    Aura_03_keep | AuraMode Wind

    Aura_04_keep | AuraMode Fire

    Aura_05_keep | AuraMode Ice

    Aura_06_keep | AuraMode Lightning

    blade_shield-0 | Force Shielder Battlemode2

    bow_00_keep | Crude Crystal

    bow_01_keep | Red Crystal

    bow_02_keep | Coraleye Crystal

    bow_03_keep | Citrine Crystal

    bow_04_keep | Bluestin Crystal

    bow_05_keep | Pherystin Crystal

    bow_05+_keep | Aqua Crystal

    bow_06_keep | Lapis Crystal

    bow_06+_keep | Topaz Crystal

    bow_07_keep | Mithril Crystal? (Blue)

    bow_07+_keep | Mithril Crystal? (Red and Blue)

    charge_lamp-0_0 | Any effect

    charge_lamp-0_1 | Any effect

    charge_lamp-0_2 | Any effect

    charge_lamp-0_3 | Any effect

    charge_lamp-1_0 | Any effect

    charge_lamp-1_1 | Any effect

    charge_lamp-1_2 | Any effect

    charge_lamp-1_3 | Any effect

    charger-0 | Force Blader Battlemode2 Weapon1

    charger-1 | Force Blader Battlemode2 Weapon2

    claw-0 | Blader Battlemode2 Weapon

    gauntlet-0 | Wizard Battlemode2 Weapon

    lance-0 | Warrior Battlemode2 Weapon

    shield_00_keep | Crude Crystal

    shield_01_keep | Red Crystal

    shield_02_keep | Coraleye Crystal

    shield_03_keep | Citrine Crystal

    shield_04_keep | Bluestin Crystal

    shield_05_keep | Pherystin Crystal

    shield_05+_keep | Aqua Crystal

    shield_06_keep | Lapis Crystal

    shield_06+_keep | Topaz Crystal

    shield_07_keep | Mithril Crystal? (Blue)

    shield_07+_keep | Mithril Crystal? (Red and Blue)

    twin_pistol-0 | Force Archer Battlemode2 Weapon1

    twin_pistol-1 | Force Archer Battlemode2 Weapon2


    e se quiser modificar skill ta ai o nome dos arquivos:


    Normal Magic:

    magc_100.efx -- Magic Arrow

    magc_101.efx -- Terra Arrow

    magc_102.efx -- Aqua Arrow

    magc_103.efx -- Wind Arrow

    magc_104.efx -- Fire Arrow

    magc_105.efx -- Freezing Arrow

    magc_106.efx -- Lightning Arrow

    magc_107.efx -- Magic Blast

    magc_108.efx -- Stone Blast

    magc_109.efx -- Aqua Blast

    magc_110.efx -- Wind Blast

    magc_111.efx -- Fire Blast

    magc_112.efx -- Ice Blast

    magc_113.efx -- Lightning Blast

    magc_114.efx -- Magic Lance

    magc_115.efx -- Terra Lance

    magc_116.efx -- Aqua Lance

    magc_117.efx -- Wind Lance

    magc_118.efx -- Fire Lance

    magc_119.efx -- Freezing Lance

    magc_120.efx -- Lightning Lance

    magc_121.efx -- Magic Cannon

    magc_122.efx -- Stone Cannon

    magc_123.efx -- Aqua Cannon

    magc_124.efx -- Wind Cannon

    magc_125.efx -- Fire Cannon

    magc_126.efx -- Crystal Cannon

    magc_127.efx -- Lightning Cannon

    Wizard Magic:

    magc_128.efx -- Burning Hand

    magc_129.efx -- Freeze

    magc_130.efx -- Dig Bomb

    magc_131.efx -- Icicle Shower

    magc_132.efx -- Wind Cutter

    magc_133.efx -- Hydro Disc

    magc_134.efx -- Lightning Strike

    magc_135.efx -- Acid Trap

    magc_136.efx -- Vaccuum

    magc_137.efx -- Chain Explosion

    magc_233.efx -- Energy Field

    magc_138.efx -- Hailstorm

    magc_139.efx -- Extreme Dual Cannon

    magc_140.efx -- Artic Field

    magc_141.efx -- WIZ Completer Skill

    Force Archer Magic:

    magc_148.efx -- Power Shot

    magc_149.efx -- Critical Shot

    magc_150.efx -- Explosion Shot

    magc_151.efx -- Poison Arrow

    magc_152.efx -- Shadow Shot

    magc_153.efx -- Drilled Shot

    magc_154.efx -- Prismatic Arrow

    magc_155.efx -- Gravity Disortion

    magc_156.efx -- FA Completer Skill

    Force Shielder Magic:

    magc_159.efx -- FS Magic GM skill

    Warrior Skills:

    skil_2h_051.efx -- Spiral Doom?

    skil_2h_055.efx -- WA Completer Skill

    Blader Skills:

    skil_du_052.efx -- Blade Cry?

    skil_du_056.efx -- Blade Scud?

    skil_du_070.efx -- Vital Intefere

    Force Blader Skills:

    skil_1h_058.efx -- Force Blader Completer Skill

    Force Shielder Skills:

    skil_1h_057.efx -- Force Shielder Storm Rush

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