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Erro na conecção das BD's

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Novato XPZ
Segue o erro abaixo:


###### Cabal server config script v2.50 by mrmagoo (chumpy) ######


Finding local IP:

Stopping the server...

Removing old configuration...

Do you want to delete old logfiles? [Y] : y

Deleting old logfiles...

Do you want me to find your WAN IP? [Y] : n

IP players will connect to [] :

Enter MSSQL server IP :

Enter MSSQL DB username : sa

Enter MSSQL DB password : 1234

Enter log level [3] : 3

Enter max players per channel [100] : 100

Configurations available :

1 - Mercury (1 chan. Normal)

2 - Venus  (1 chan. PK)

3 - Mars (1 chan. War)

4 - Jupiter (1 chan. Tierra Gloriosa)

5 - Saturn (2 chan. Normal/TG)

6 - Neptune (3 chan. Normal/War/Tierra Gloriosa)

7 - Pluto (3 chan. PK/War/Tierra Gloriosa)

8 - Leo (4 chan. Normal/PK/Prem War/Tierra Gloriosa)

9 - Sirius (4 chan. Normal/PK/War/Tierra Gloriosa)

10 - Draco (5 chan. Normal/Prem/Prem PK/Prem War/TG)

11 - Test Server (1 chan. PK)

Enter a configuration [11] : 11

Initialising Test24 configuration...

GlobalDBAgent: link... ini... service.

GlobalMgrSvr: ini... service.

CashDBAgent: link... ini... service.

DBAgent_24: link... ini... service.

ChatNode_24: link... ini... service.

WorldSvr_24_01: link... ini... service.

LoginSvr_01: link... ini... service.

Creating: Common.ini... odbc.ini...

Setting permissions...

Enter EXP rate multiplier, e.g. 5 for 5x [1] : 1

Enter Skill EXP rate multiplier [1] : 1

Enter Craft EXP rate multiplier [1] : 1

Enter drop rate multiplier (over 5 is bad) [1] : 1

Enter Alz rate multiplier [1] : 1

Enter Alz bomb rate multiplier [1] : 1

Enter number of items per drop [1] : 1

Setup complete. Start the service? [Y] :y

Starting GlobalDBAgent:                                    [  OK  ]

Starting GlobalMgrSvr:                                    [  OK  ]

Starting CashDBAgent:                                      [  OK  ]

Starting DBAgent_24:                                      [  OK  ]

Starting ChatNode_24:                                      [  OK  ]

Starting WorldSvr_24_01:                                  [  OK  ]

Starting LoginSvr_01:                                      [  OK  ]

Enable cron restart support? [N] : n

Enable daily Tierra Gloriosa? [N] : n

Enable hourly Tierra Gloriosa? [N] : n

All done. Run me again any time to change your config

[root@localhost cabal]# ls

CashDBAgent_100608.trc  DBAgent_24.log            LoginSvr_01.log

CashDBAgent.log        GlobalDBAgent_100608.trc  WorldSvr_24_01_100608.trc

ChatNode_24_100608.trc  GlobalDBAgent.log        WorldSvr_24_01.log

ChatNode_24.log        GlobalMgrSvr_100608.trc

DBAgent_24_100608.trc  GlobalMgrSvr.log

[root@localhost cabal]# cat DBAgent_24.log

[Tue Jun  8 2010 20:22:15.523942 3086915264]: open log file  '/var/log/cabal/DBAgent_24.log'

[Tue Jun  8 2010 20:22:15.524141 3086915264]: LOG LEVEL: 3

[Tue Jun  8 2010 20:22:15.524173 3086915264]: MemPoolUnitSizeClass(2): 24576Bytes

[Tue Jun  8 2010 20:22:15.525091 3086915264]: Start DBAgent_24 Server

[Tue Jun  8 2010 20:22:15.526150 3086915264]: UseEcryptText (Off)

[Tue Jun  8 2010 20:22:15.536286 3086912416]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3086912416]

[Tue Jun  8 2010 20:22:15.537097 3076422560]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3076422560]

[Tue Jun  8 2010 20:22:15.537188 3065932704]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3065932704]

[Tue Jun  8 2010 20:22:15.537261 3055442848]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3055442848]

[Tue Jun  8 2010 20:22:15.537903 3086915264]: try listening 38181 port

[Tue Jun  8 2010 20:22:15.538212 3044952992]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [3044952992]

[Tue Jun  8 2010 20:22:16.069787 3086915264]: accept success 8(

[Tue Jun  8 2010 20:22:16.070963 3086915264]: 1.open user 8 [8B6A3F8] (

[Tue Jun  8 2010 20:22:16.631100 3086915264]: accept success 10(

[Tue Jun  8 2010 20:22:16.631838 3086915264]: 2.open user 10 [8B78B38] (

[root@localhost cabal]#

oque causa isso? espero que alguem me ajude xD

obrigado desde ja!
Editado por um moderador:


Novato XPZ
o pior que sim, refiz 3x, olhei 2 tutos diferentes =/

no interprise o gameserver ta com ip do windows.....

qnd nao é esse erro, é erro de login do putty com a db =/

ja nao sei oque fazer xD
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