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Help need change class rank type 11 to 1


Usuário XPZ
hello i have q how to change class rank 11 to 1, i make new char and get 11 class rank. can write scrip or where i can find class rank list. srr for my bad english language.


Delta XPZ
For you to put all birth created char-grade class 11 is simple ...


1 - Open SQL

2 - Find out "GAMEDB"

3 - Click on "STORE PROCEDURE"


5 - Find the line "EXEC @ GAMESERVER.account.dbo.cabal_sp_update_character_count userNum, @ serverIdx, 1"

6 - Starting row count of 6 lines down and you'll find this line "WorldIdx, Position, @ style, HP, MP, SP, SwdPNT, MagPNT, RankEXP, Flags, WarpBField, MapsBField, Reputation, Reserved1"

7 - where is "@ STYLE" you put "@ +80 STYLE"

8 - Click Apply, then OK!

9 - In the RESTART 'SERVICE MANAGER' Create a new char and ready ... grade 11!


Usuário XPZ
dont work, class rank still 11, can you sent file me ? write scrip i upgra to SQL Analyzer.

7 - where is "@ STYLE" you put "@ +80 STYLE" - if i write "@ +80 STYLE" i get error need delete - @ whats wrong here ?


Delta XPZ
If you want a degree takes +80 and ready ... now if you do not even know how to explain a post still makes me spend time helping you ... to a degree by the strip by +80 to +80 degree 11 leaves!
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