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Mu Server Repack MUEMU SEASON 8 by louis


Novato XPZ
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Infelizmente nao esta funcionando.. alguma coisa está errada na configuracao ?

; Custom Attack Settings
CustomAttackSwitch = 1
CustomAttackEnable_AL0 = 1
CustomAttackEnable_AL1 = 1
CustomAttackEnable_AL2 = 1
CustomAttackEnable_AL3 = 1
CustomAttackRequireLevel_AL0 = 1
CustomAttackRequireLevel_AL1 = 1
CustomAttackRequireLevel_AL2 = 1
CustomAttackRequireLevel_AL3 = 1
CustomAttackRequireReset_AL0 = 0
CustomAttackRequireReset_AL1 = 0
CustomAttackRequireReset_AL2 = 0
CustomAttackRequireReset_AL3 = 0
CustomAttackCommandSyntax = /attack
CustomAttackText1 = You are not enabled to use /attack
CustomAttackText2 = You need at least %d level to use the command
CustomAttackText3 = You need at least %d reset to use the command
CustomAttackText4 = You already using the command1
CustomAttackText5 = You can't use the command in this location
CustomAttackText6 = You don't have the required spell to use the command

; Custom Attack Offline Settings
CustomAttackOfflineSwitch = 1
CustomAttackOfflineGPGain = 1
CustomAttackOfflineEnable_AL0 = 1
CustomAttackOfflineEnable_AL1 = 1
CustomAttackOfflineEnable_AL2 = 1
CustomAttackOfflineEnable_AL3 = 1
CustomAttackOfflineRequireLevel_AL0 = 1
CustomAttackOfflineRequireLevel_AL1 = 1
CustomAttackOfflineRequireLevel_AL2 = 1
CustomAttackOfflineRequireLevel_AL3 = 1
CustomAttackOfflineRequireReset_AL0 = 0
CustomAttackOfflineRequireReset_AL1 = 0
CustomAttackOfflineRequireReset_AL2 = 0
CustomAttackOfflineRequireReset_AL3 = 0
CustomAttackOfflineRequireMoney_AL0 = 0
CustomAttackOfflineRequireMoney_AL1 = 0
CustomAttackOfflineRequireMoney_AL2 = 0
CustomAttackOfflineRequireMoney_AL3 = 0
CustomAttackOfflineCommandSyntax = /offattack
CustomAttackOfflineText1 = You are not enabled to use /offattack
CustomAttackOfflineText2 = You need at least %d level to use the command
CustomAttackOfflineText3 = You need at least %d reset to use the command
CustomAttackOfflineText4 = You need at least %d money to use the command
CustomAttackOfflineText5 = You need to enable automatic attack first
CustomAttackOfflineText6 = You can't use the command in this location
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pode me ajuda pelo TV ou skype ?

Acabei de notar que ao fazer o cadastro pelo site aconteçe o erro abaixo.

Warning: mssql_query() [
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]: message: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_MEMB_STAT'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.MEMB_STAT'. (severity 14) in C:\AppServ\www\cadastrar_done.php on line 225

Warning: mssql_query() [
Por favor, Entrar ou Registrar para ver o conteúdo das URLs!
]: Query failed in C:\AppServ\www\cadastrar_done.php on line 225
Conta criada com sucesso: Seu login é kaiocnx157

Linha 225 \/
( mssql_query("INSERT INTO MEMB_STAT (memb___id,ConnectStat,ServerName,IP,ConnectTM,DisConnectTM) VALUES ('$ps_loginname','0','nenhum','$ip',(getdate()),(getdate()) )"); )

porem cria a conta !
Última edição:


Novato XPZ
Olá, estou com problema no cliente, mando executar o jogo e nao ocorre nada, apenas um erro no CrashLog:
"2017.02.06 17:18:28:980 Install"
Alguem sabe o que pode ser? Deu a mesma coisa no win 10 e no win 8.1, e no note do meu irmão tbm não abre o main... se alguem poder da uma luz ae do q possa ser ficarei grato até+!


Novato XPZ
Consegui corrigir a DLL do main para funcionar as custom jewels...agora as jóias estão funcionando no s8 coisa que acredito que funcionava somente no s6 e S4, logo posto o server update 3.


Novato XPZ
Para Também tava com dificuldade de fazer Checksum pro Checksum.List.

Checksum prevents modification of client files. To configure it for specific files, follow the guide:

1. Download CRC Generator:


2. Check CRC of chosen file using downloaded program.

3. Go to [ MuServer/MHPServer/Data ] and open "Checksum.List.db" with notepad.

Add new entries as follows:


"Data\Local\Item.bmd" "0xb89f0c68"

"Your MainInfoFileName.mu" "0xc01ua1s7"

Recommended list of files to be added:
[ YourMainInfoFileName.mu ], [ ah.emu ], [ MHPClient.dll ], [ main.exe ], [ item.bmd ]

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Por favor, Entrar ou Registrar para ver o conteúdo das URLs!

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