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[Tutorial]Adicionando/editando canais


Usuário XPZ


Usuário XPZ
cara vc pode me ajudar no meu fiz tudu ki ta aii

mais deu um preoblema!!!! olha so na hora do putty!!!!!

login as: root

root@'s password:

Last login: Sat Mar 13 14:10:25 2010

[root@localhost ~]# /home/cabal/cabal_config.sh


###### Cabal server config script v2.50 by mrmagoo (chumpy) ######


Finding local IP:

Stopping the server...

Removing old configuration...

Do you want to delete old logfiles? [Y] : y

Deleting old logfiles...

Do you want me to find your WAN IP? [Y] : n

IP players will connect to [] :

Enter MSSQL server IP :

Enter MSSQL DB username : sa

Enter MSSQL DB password : 1234

Enter log level [3] : 3

Enter max players per channel [100] : 100

Configurations available :

1 - Mercury(7 chan. Normal/PK/Normal/Prem/Normal/War/TG)

2 - Venus  (1 chan. PK)

3 - Mars (1 chan. War)

4 - Jupiter (1 chan. Tierra Gloriosa)

5 - Saturn (2 chan. Normal/TG)

6 - Neptune (3 chan. Normal/War/Tierra Gloriosa)

7 - Pluto (3 chan. PK/War/Tierra Gloriosa)

8 - Leo (4 chan. Normal/PK/Prem War/Tierra Gloriosa)

9 - Sirius (4 chan. Normal/PK/War/Tierra Gloriosa)

10 - Draco (5 chan. Normal/Prem/Prem PK/Prem War/TG)

11 - Test Server (1 chan. PK)

Enter a configuration [11] : 1

Tierra Gloriosa lobby wait time (min) [30] : 30

Tierra Gloriosa duration (min) [60] : 60

Initialising Mercury configuration...

GlobalDBAgent: link... ini... service.

GlobalMgrSvr: ini... service.

CashDBAgent: link... ini... service.

DBAgent_01: link... ini... service.

ChatNode_01: link... ini... service.

WorldSvr_01_01: link... ini... service.

WorldSvr_01_02: link... ini... service.

WorldSvr_01_03: link... ini... service.

WorldSvr_01_04: link... ini... service.

WorldSvr_01_05: link... ini... service.

WorldSvr_01_06: link... ini... service.

WorldSvr_01_10: link... ini... service.

LoginSvr_01: link... ini... service.

Creating: Common.ini... odbc.ini...

Setting permissions...

Enter EXP rate multiplier, e.g. 5 for 5x [1] : 150

Enter Skill EXP rate multiplier [1] : 2000

Enter Craft EXP rate multiplier [1] : 80

Enter drop rate multiplier (over 5 is bad) [1] : 70

Enter Alz rate multiplier [1] : 150

Enter Alz bomb rate multiplier [1] : 2

Enter number of items per drop [1] : 3

Setup complete. Start the service? [Y] :y

Starting GlobalDBAgent:                                    [  OK  ]

Starting GlobalMgrSvr:                                    [  OK  ]

Starting CashDBAgent:                                      [  OK  ]

Starting DBAgent_01:                                      [  OK  ]

Starting ChatNode_01:                                      [  OK  ]

Starting WorldSvr_01_01:                                  [  OK  ]

Starting WorldSvr_01_02:                                  [  OK  ]

Starting WorldSvr_01_03:                                  [  OK  ]

Starting WorldSvr_01_04:                                  [  OK  ]

Starting WorldSvr_01_05:                                  [  OK  ]

Starting WorldSvr_01_06:                                  [  OK  ]

Starting LoginSvr_01:                                      [  OK  ]

Enable cron restart support? [N] : n

Enable daily Tierra Gloriosa? [N] : n

Enable hourly Tierra Gloriosa? [N] : n

All done. Run me again any time to change your config

[root@localhost ~]# cat DBAgent_24.log

cat: DBAgent_24.log: No such file or directory

[root@localhost ~]#

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


Honrado XPZ
mano pra aparece vc tem q digitar

[root@localhost ~]# cd /var/log/cabal

ai vai logar nas configuraçoes do seu server ai vc digita logo em ceguida


e para vc ver os arquivos do server

e depois

cat DBAgent_01.log


Honrado XPZ
conheço sobre SQL muito bem, o erro é o seguinte

configurei o server denovo como pediu o tuto blz

aw na hora de logar apareçe o canal de boa

e o char tbm

mas na hora que vai conectar no canal carrega até o final e cai!!!

Me ajudem ja tentei da reboot no CentOS e não deu certo ja reconfigurei as DBS e não deu certo por favor me ajuda!!!


Usuário XPZ

1 - internal ip do centos

2 - na hora de configurar o putty vc tem que dar Y/Y e nao N/N

pq se vc seleciona o char e tudo mais so que chega na hora de logar nao entra é pq deve ta em WAN o putty!


Honrado XPZ
login as: root

root@'s password:

Last login: Tue Jul 13 05:13:35 2010 from

[root@localhost ~]# /home/cabal/cabal_config.sh


###### Cabal server config script v2.50 by mrmagoo (chumpy) ######


Finding local IP:

Stopping the server...

Removing old configuration...

Do you want to delete old logfiles? [Y] : y

Deleting old logfiles...

Do you want me to find your WAN IP? [Y] : n

IP players will connect to [] :

Enter MSSQL server IP :

Enter MSSQL DB username : sa

Enter MSSQL DB password : cris1982

Enter log level [3] : 3

Enter max players per channel [100] : 100

Configurations available :

1 - Mercury (1 chan. Normal)

2 - Venus  (1 chan. PK)

3 - Mars (1 chan. War)

4 - Jupiter (1 chan. Tierra Gloriosa)

5 - Saturn (2 chan. Normal/TG)

6 - Neptune (3 chan. Normal/War/Tierra Gloriosa)

7 - Pluto (3 chan. PK/War/Tierra Gloriosa)

8 - Leo (4 chan. Normal/PK/Prem War/Tierra Gloriosa)

9 - Sirius (4 chan. Normal/PK/War/Tierra Gloriosa)

10 - Draco (5 chan. Normal/Prem/Prem PK/Prem War/TG)

11 - Test Server (1 chan. PK)

Enter a configuration [11] : 6

Tierra Gloriosa lobby wait time (min) [30] : 5

Tierra Gloriosa duration (min) [60] : 60

Initialising Neptune configuration...

GlobalDBAgent: link... ini... service.

GlobalMgrSvr: ini... service.

CashDBAgent: link... ini... service.

DBAgent_06: link... ini... service.

ChatNode_06: link... ini... service.

WorldSvr_06_01: link... ini... service.

WorldSvr_06_04: link... ini... service.

WorldSvr_06_10: link... ini... service.

LoginSvr_01: link... ini... service.

Creating: Common.ini... odbc.ini...

Setting permissions...

Enter EXP rate multiplier, e.g. 5 for 5x [1] : 1

Enter Skill EXP rate multiplier [1] : 1

Enter Craft EXP rate multiplier [1] : 1

Enter drop rate multiplier (over 5 is bad) [1] : 1

Enter Alz rate multiplier [1] : 1

Enter Alz bomb rate multiplier [1] : 1

Enter number of items per drop [1] : 1

Setup complete. Start the service? [Y] :y

Starting GlobalDBAgent:                                    [  OK  ]

Starting GlobalMgrSvr:                                    [  OK  ]

Starting CashDBAgent:                                      [  OK  ]

Starting DBAgent_06:                                      [  OK  ]

Starting ChatNode_06:                                      [  OK  ]

Starting WorldSvr_06_01:                                  [  OK  ]

Starting WorldSvr_06_04:                                  [  OK  ]

Starting LoginSvr_01:                                      [  OK  ]

Enable cron restart support? [N] : y

Cron task created.

Enable daily Tierra Gloriosa? [N] : y

Enter the hour for TG to start [0-23] : 0-23

All done. Run me again any time to change your config

[root@localhost ~]# cd /var/log/cabal

[root@localhost cabal]# ls

CashDBAgent_100713.trc  GlobalDBAgent_100713.trc  WorldSvr_06_01_100713.trc

CashDBAgent.log        GlobalDBAgent.log        WorldSvr_06_01.log

ChatNode_06_100713.trc  GlobalMgrSvr_100713.trc  WorldSvr_06_04_100713.trc

ChatNode_06.log        GlobalMgrSvr.log          WorldSvr_06_04.log

DBAgent_06_100713.trc  LoginSvr_01_100713.trc

DBAgent_06.log          LoginSvr_01.log

[root@localhost cabal]# cat DBAgent_06.log

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:17:42.304505 3086120640]: open log file  '/var/log/cabal/DBA                                                                            gent_06.log'

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:17:42.304620 3086120640]: LOG LEVEL: 3

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:17:42.305035 3086120640]: MemPoolUnitSizeClass(2): 24576Byte                                                                            s

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:17:42.306526 3086120640]: Start DBAgent_06 Server

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:17:42.308053 3086120640]: UseEcryptText (Off)

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:17:42.322073 3086117792]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [30861                                                                            17792]

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:17:42.323371 3086120640]: try listening 38181 port

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:17:42.324012 3075627936]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [30756                                                                            27936]

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:17:42.324105 3065138080]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [30651                                                                            38080]

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:17:42.324430 3054648224]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [30546                                                                            48224]

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:17:42.325011 3044158368]: CProcessLayer(0)::svc Start [30441                                                                            58368]

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:17:42.792946 3086120640]: accept success 8(

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:17:42.794461 3086120640]: 1.open user 8 [91F9420] (                                                                            )

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:17:43.484281 3086120640]: accept success 10(

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:17:43.485090 3086120640]: 2.open user 10 [9207B60] (127.0.0.                                                                            1)

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:17:43.948226 3086120640]: accept success 11(

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:17:43.948983 3086120640]: 3.open user 11 [9213D70] (127.0.0.                                                                            1)

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:18:47.670164 3054648224]: Database Connect success!

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:18:47.743109 3044158368]: Database Connect success!

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:18:47.819593 3086117792]: Database Connect success!

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:18:47.873484 3075627936]: Database Connect success!

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:19:23.844669 3086120640]: sock 10 ->handle_timeout

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:19:24.184833 3086120640]: 3.close user -1 [9207B60] (127.0.0                                                                            .1)

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:19:32.617803 3086120640]: accept success 10(

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:19:32.700750 3086120640]: 3.open user 10 [9207B60] (127.0.0.                                                                            1)

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:19:34.510489 3086117792]: sock 10=> sendBuf is growed (size:                                                                            32768). len(657), 17000, 131072

[Tue Jul 13 2010 05:19:34.570376 3065138080]: Database Connect success!

[root@localhost cabal]# service cabal start

Starting GlobalDBAgent:                                    [  OK  ]

Starting GlobalMgrSvr:                                    [  OK  ]

Starting CashDBAgent:                                      [  OK  ]

Starting DBAgent_06:                                      [  OK  ]

Starting ChatNode_06:                                      [  OK  ]

Starting WorldSvr_06_01:                                  [  OK  ]

Starting WorldSvr_06_04:                                  [  OK  ]

Starting LoginSvr_01:                                      [  OK  ]


Honrado XPZ
intaum o que eu faço para as outras pessoas logaren tipo eu enviei isso para uma pessoa testar:



e mandei elas colaren nas pastas corretas...

mas elas n conseguiran se conectar e eu n liberei nenhuma porta no firewal nem fis nada pra deichar meu server ON


Usuário XPZ


Honrado XPZ
manow n vou te incomodar mais não é só uma u nica coisa

meus GMS podem usar editor e se poder como se eles n tem as dbs no PC deles]

a e se eu liberar essas portas meu server vai estar ON???

cara vlw memotu é o cara n sei mexer memo com SQl tipow eu sou iniciante sei pouca coisa só criei um server de Priston

flw cara fique na pas
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